Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as SAD, is a mood disorder that creeps up at certain times of the year, mainly in winter and fall. There are no exact causes of SAD, and symptoms can feel quite uncomfortable and discouraging. In some cases, SAD can be more than just a seasonal disorder, and it is never a bad idea to seek help from a mental health professional when symptoms cause significant distress. If you think you may be struggling with SAD, read on to learn more about this issue and potential next steps to help you feel like yourself again. 

Potential Causes of SAD

Although there are no exact known causes for SAD, scientists believe that less sunlight during the fall and winter lead to less production of serotonin in the brain (a mood regulating chemical). When mood is not properly regulated, feelings of depression may arise. Warning signs of SAD are very similar to symptoms of depression. Here is what to look for:

  • Less energy

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Fatigue

  • Increased desire to be alone

  • Greater need for sleep

  • Weight gain/weight loss

  • Trouble sleeping

Natural Remedies

It is recommended to get outside as early as possible in the morning hours to expose yourself to natural sunlight, especially during times of the year when it gets dark earlier in the day. Along with natural light, light therapy is a great treatment for SAD. Experts say to use a full-spectrum bright light that shines indirectly into your eyes. A person should sit about two feet away from the light for 10-15 minutes per day. After a few uses, increase your session time to 30-45 minutes a day. 

Exercise may also help alleviate many of the uncomfortable symptoms of SAD. Just 30 minutes of cardio a day (brisk walk, jog, bike, etc.) can lead to a reduction in depression severity. It is always important to keep your body moving and your mind healthy. A benefit of taking a brisk walk around your neighborhood is that you can combine exercise with getting natural sunlight. 

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a great way to help treat SAD. Therapy may be of assistance in managing stress, replacing negative thoughts and behaviors with positive ones, and addressing areas of your life that could use more attention and care. The main goal is to help get you feeling your best in all aspects of life. 

With the mind-body connection in mind, you can also try utilizing various relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, guided imagery, and music or art therapy. Find something you enjoy that assists in relaxation, and try your best to incorporate it into your daily routine. 

So, What Now?

Spend some time tuning into your symptoms, and notice what you are experiencing in your mind and body. Remember that you are never alone, and reaching out to loved ones is a great place to start getting support. If this post resonates with you and what you’re experiencing, we encourage you to work with your primary care provider or a mental health professional to find treatments that might be effective for you. 


Seasonal Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Retrieved from

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Nine Natural Supplements and Treatments. Retrieved from

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Retrieved from

Healing Sage

Sage has been used by healers of various cultures for millenia. The dried herb can be burned as a way to purify the air, it is used in opening/closing ceremonies and cleansing rituals, and many believe that sage brings about peace and protection. 

Burning dried sage is a form of smoke cleansing, and this process has been shown to change the molecular makeup of the air and overall energy in a space. This change happens as the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it dissipates, the negative energy dissipates as well. Studies show that burning herbs, like sage, can even reduce bacteria in the air. Practicing smoke cleansing not only smells great, but can positively impact your mood, since smoke increases the oxygen supply in the brain. More oxygen in the brain = muscle relaxation = happier self. 

When doing a smoke cleansing, set a positive intention for the practice. Bring positive energy to the space or person you are going to cleanse, and allow the smoke to take away any negative energy. (Be aware of hot embers that may fall, and have a small bowl in your other hand under the bundle to catch these, if needed.)

We recently picked sage from our healing garden and have bundled them up as small gifts for you. Next time you have an appointment at MindBody Wellness, feel free to take a sage bundle for your use. 


Garza, M. Make Your Own DIY Floral Sage Bundle to Cleanse Your Space. Retrieved from

Limao, J. (2017). Homemade Sage Bundle + Smudging. Retrieved from

Be Grateful to Everyone

You may already be familiar with Pema Chodron’s work. Her writing and teachings have inspired many to live a more grounded and spiritually-aware existence. Pema Chodron has written many influential books, including When Things Fall Apart, The Wisdom of No Escape, and Living Beautifully, to name a few. 

One of her excerpts from Start Where You Are is titled: Be Grateful to Everyone. This slogan teaches us that when we reject or dislike other people, we are actually rejecting or disliking pieces of ourselves. If we are able to be grateful to everyone, in turn, we are able to be grateful to ourselves. 

Pema writes, “If we were to make a list of people we don’t like--people we find obnoxious, threatening, or worthy of contempt--we would find out a lot about those aspects of ourselves that we can’t face. If we were to come up with one word about each of the troublemakers in our lives, we would find ourselves with a list of descriptions of our own rejected qualities, which we project onto the outside world” (p. 56). 

Another way of understanding this idea is: “...other people trigger the karma that we haven’t worked out. They mirror us and give us the chance to befriend all of that ancient stuff that we carry around like a backpack full of granite boulders” (p. 56). 

Sitting with the reality that we all have unfinished business and baggage we carry around is tough. Reflect on how this happens for you, without attaching any guilt or shame. Once you become aware, you can begin to change habits and patterns. Start by taking a curious stance and when you notice yourself becoming annoyed with someone, ask yourself, “what piece of this other person is actually a reflection of what needs attention in me?” Be patient and kind to yourself as you dig down to the issues coming up in yourself. Through this practice, you can start to embody the idea of being grateful to everyone. 

Chodron, P. (1994). The Pema Chodron Collection. “Be Grateful to Everyone.” One Spirit:

Shambhala Publications, Inc.