Combat Wildfire Smoke Issues

With Canada in the midst of an incredibly bad wildfire season, US regions in the Northeast, Midwest (including Wisconsin), and parts of the South have reached hazardous levels and have been issued air quality advisories. Have you started to feel the effects of the smoke?

Wildfire smoke irritates our eyes, nose, throat, lungs, and overall health which can cause us to cough and wheeze and making it difficult to breathe.

Here are tips to help support you during this wildfire season:

+ check air quality reports regularly and keep exposure to a minimum

+ add more vitamin C: foods like amaranth, avocados, tomato and green-leafy vegetables are the most efficient sources of vitamin C

+ take immune boosting supplements: Reishi, echinacea, and astragalus are our top picks. *Note: always stop taking astragalus at the onset of cold or flu symptoms 

+ antioxidants: green tea, ginger, turmeric, strawberries, green tea, black tea, brussel sprouts, beans, onions, and apples

+ get acupuncture to help strengthen the Lungs

+ keep pathways of elimination open: go to the bathroom, sweat, circulate blood and lymph through movement/exercise, breathe, dry skin brushing

+ try a steam with any of these herbs: thyme, oregano, rosemary, mint, sage

+ stay indoors and minimize duration/intensity of outdoor activities. keep house windows and doors closed to keep indoor air clean and fresh

+ use an N95 particulate mask respirator when outside for an extended period of time, especially if you have cardio-pulmonary problems. We will have a few of these in the office starting on Friday, June 30th

+ avoid unnecessarily exerting yourself. Heavy breathing means you’re going to inhale more smoke

+ add purifiers to your home. HEPA filters or even ACs with filters and recirculating air can help cut down on particulate matter in the air indoors. Do NOT use an air conditioner if it does not have air filters (it will only suck in smoke and make breathing conditions worse)

+ stay hydrated

Acupuncture for Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause is the period in a woman’s life after menstruation, when she is no longer fertile. As with the start of puberty, menopause brings about many changes in a woman’s body as hormones fluctuate and ovarian follicles become less active, creating different symptoms that are oftentimes uncomfortable. These changes come about around the age 45-55, and generally begin around 4 years before the last period. Menopause officially starts after one consecutive year without menstruating, and symptoms can last for around 4 years. Common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, insomnia, vaginal dryness, reduced libido, painful intercourse, hair loss, hair growth in new places like the face, neck, chest, or upper back, depression, anxiety, sore or tender breasts, and many others. These symptoms vary from woman to woman, and also vary in severity as well.

While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a common treatment for menopause symptoms, acupuncture is another viable option for women who can’t, or don’t want to, use HRT. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), menopause is a time when women become Yin deficient, meaning the cooling, moistening, and calming aspects of their physiology are weakening. To treat this, TCM aims to nourish Yin/blood, move stagnant liver Qi, clear heat, calm the spirit/mind, and harmonize Yin and Yang. Menopause can cause stagnation, which leads to heat and Yin deficiency. Acupuncture helps move stagnation, offering relief from many symptoms.

Common Symptoms and Treatment

  • Hot flashes/night sweats: Hot flashes are thought to be a result of hormonal changes and changes in the hypothalamus, which regulates temperature. Studies show that acupuncture affects hormones related to menopause and sleep, such as estrogen and melatonin. One study found that acupuncture decreased the secretion of calcitonin gene-related peptide, a vasodilating neuropeptide that has been shown to affect hot flashes. Acupuncture helps your body function better, and can help bring your body back to homeostasis in times of transition, like menopause. Menopause can cause a Yin imbalance, leading to excess stagnant heat in the body. Acupuncture can move that stagnant heat, offering relief.

  • Pain: By placing needles at pressure points throughout the body, the central nervous system is stimulated to release pain - relieving chemicals like endorphins. The chemicals can help to alleviate aches and pains associated with menopause.

  • Mood swings/ Anxiety: Menopause can cause mood swings because of hormonal changes or imbalances that occur at this time of transition. Acupuncture balances Qi, minimizes the frequency and intensity of mood swings, and increases endorphin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels, creating a positive mood. Researchers found that acupuncture alters neurotransmitters in the brain, alleviating conditions like anxiety and nervousness. Acupuncture can relax your body and relax your mind as well.

  • Insomnia and Fatigue: Insomnia and fatigue associated with menopause can be caused by fluctuating hormone levels and sleep disturbances, like hot flashes or pain. Acupuncture increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure in your body, reducing fatigue-inducing stress, balances the nervous system, and releases nocturnal chemicals like melatonin, which aids in better sleep.

  • Vaginal dryness: The hormonal imbalances caused by menopause can reduce the natural lubricant created by the vagina, leading to dryness or pain during sex. Estrogen is responsible for creating these lubricants, and with estrogen levels decreasing during menopause, vaginal fluid production decreases as well. Menopause causes a Yin deficiency, which is the moistening energy in the body. Acupuncture can bring the body back into harmony by balancing Yin depletion with Yang energy, restoring natural vaginal lubrication production.

Acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive, natural way to bring your body back into balance during times of transition and fluctuation, like menopause. By releasing various hormones like endorphins, dopamine, increasing blood flow, releasing stagnant heat, boosting melatonin production, and altering neurotransmitters in the brain to reduce feelings of anxiety, acupuncture can help treat many symptoms caused by menopause, and can offer great relief.

Schedule your next acupuncture session here!


“Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Menopause”. Retrieved from

“Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Insomnia”/ Retrieved from

“Acupuncture, as Practiced in Clinical Settings, May Significantly Improve Menopause-related Symptoms”. Retrieved from

“Acupuncture for Menopause: How This Alternative Therapy Brought Me Relief”. Retrieved from

“Acupuncture Increases Nocturnal Melatonin Secretion and Reduces Insomnia and Anxiety: A Preliminary Report”. Retrieved from

“Acupuncture may ease troublesome menopausal symptoms”. Retrieved from

“Acupuncture Treatments for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats”. Retrieved from

“Let's Talk About Vaginal Dryness”. Retrieved from

“Perimenopause: 5 Ways Acupuncture Can Help”. Retrieved from,energy%20levels%20during%20the%20day.

“Treatment of Mood Swings With Acupuncture”. Retrieved from,recommended%20by%20your%20acupuncture%20physician.

How To Use Facial Tools At Home

Gua Sha is the ancient Chinese practice of using a specialized tool to scrape the skin on the face or body, relieving musculoskeletal pain, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, draining the lymph, supporting the immune system, and releasing tensions. Gua means scraping, and sha refers to the petechiae, or reddened marks, on the skin that show stagnation. These marks are the result of the gua sha tool scraping the skin and breaking superficial capillaries, which promotes an anti-inflammatory and immune response to improve blood circulation. Stagnation occurs when the body fails to remove metabolic waste or toxins in the body that results in an impeded flow of Qi or vital energy in the body. This practice began in the Paleolithic Age, when people would use their hands and other tools to rub ill areas of the body to alleviate disease, and was written into medical records in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The tools used are commonly made from jade or other semi precious stones like rose quartz and amethyst. Gua sha is practiced by acupuncturists, massage therapists, Chinese medicine practitioners, chiropractors, and physical therapists.

Body Gua Sha

Body gua sha is the practice of scraping the gua sha tool hard and fast on the skin to produce a rash. This technique uses less oil than facial gua sha, and uses much harder pressure to break the capillaries in the fascia. Body gua sha can be done anywhere on the body where there is pain, tension, or stagnation. Practitioners work along the meridians, or channels, where Qi flows. TCM states that where there is pain, there is stagnation of blood and Qi. Working along these meridians and energy points increases blood and energy flow and decreases inflammation, aiding in healing the affected area. The most common areas of the body for gua sha are the neck, shoulders, back, and legs. It is important to work the neck and chest first before doing any gua sha on the face.

Facial Gua Sha

Facial gua sha uses featherlight pressure on the face to improve circulation, lift the skin, relieve tension, and drain the lymph. Pushing too hard can bypass the lymphatic system, which defeats the intended purpose behind the modality on the face. Unlike body gua sha, you do not want a rash to form.

To perform facial gua sha, first oil your skin so the tool can glide easily across the face. The proper order is chest, neck, jaw, cheeks, under the eyes, above the eyebrows, and then the forehead. Start with the chest, moving from the center out. Working the neck and chest first opens up the lymph nodes and prepares them for drainage. Now at the neck, start moving down to drain the lymph. At the jaw, start at the middle of the chin and work out and up towards the ear. For the cheeks and jaw, start at the nose and move the tool out towards the ear. For under the eye, start towards the corner of the eye and move out and up towards the top of the ear. Use the lightest pressure under the eye, much lighter than the rest of the face and neck. When working on the forehead and upper brow, move the tool up and out towards the hairline.

After working the face, working the neck and chest drains all the toxins and lymph that was mobilized to be dumped and excreted by the lymphatic system. It helps to divide the face into sections like lower, upper, left, and right. This ensures that the technique of aiming towards the lymph nodes is done equally. To do this, always start in the middle and go up and out on the face. Do 3-8 strokes in each area, and do not be alarmed at any pink you see, as increased circulation is a common effect of facial gua sha. Common tools to use for the face are facial roller, dolphin, and eye tool.

Tools and How to Use Them Properly:

Using the proper tools and techniques is key to reaping the full benefits of facial and body gua sha. As with any popular beauty trend, misuse and misinformation can spread like wildfire, particularly in the age of technology. Unfortunately, there are many bloggers and influencers that are using these tools in ways that do not support their skin. Along with this misinformation are misrepresented tools. Jade is a very common material for gua sha tools, but is very expensive. Any tools under $30 should be avoided, as they are most likely made of plastic that can have chips that can cut or scratch the skin. Semi precious tools are often a composite of jade, rose quartz, or amethyst and another material, but marketed as pure stone. The tools Amanda Gawrysz, our NCCAOM certified acupuncturist, uses are $60-$80, ensuring authentic materials that will not harm your skin. She offers 3 facial rejuvenation services- modalities only facial gua sha, facial rolling, or facial cupping starting at $130, just facial acupuncture for $150, or modalities and acupuncture for $185. Below are a few of her tips on how to practice gua sha while best supporting your skin, as well as the benefits of each tool.


  • Apply oil- facial gua sha needs lubrication to move across the skin, rolling does not require oil

  • Body gua sha does not require as much oil as facial gua sha

  • Avoid coconut oil because it can clog pores

  • Apply gentle pressure to the face, especially under the eyes, harder pressure elsewhere

  • Keep passes light and consistent

  • Gua sha tools are used primarily for manual lymphatic drainage, relieving facial and jaw tension, and lifting and contouring the skin

  • Facial rollers are used for reducing inflammation on the face

  • Consistency is key. This needs to be done regularly for results. You can set aside more or less time based on your schedule. Doing shorter sessions is better than not doing it at all

  • Avoid direct contact with the cold- circulation is increased by gua sha, and the cold can constrict your blood vessels, defeating the benefits of the service

  • Gua sha is not recommended for children, the elderly, those with thin skin, those who take a blood thinner, those with chronic skin condition like psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea, those with chronic migraines, those with uncontrolled high blood pressure, or pregnant women with a history of miscarriages

  • If someone has had botox, it is recommended to wait 2 weeks to 1 month after for the treatment to settle

  • Avoid gua sha over active acne breakouts as it will spread the bacteria and cause more irritation

  • Be careful scraping over skin with moles

  • Do not perform gua sha on sunburns, open wounds, rashes, or inflamed skin

  • Clean your tools after each use with warm soap and water

Spoon: The original gua sha tool. The spoon has great pressure control while scraping. It can be used on the neck, shoulders, soles, and palms, and is great for deeply sculpting facial features and precision work. It encourages tension release through targeting acupressure points, and is best used on the cheeks and jawline.

Dolphin Tool: This is a very recognizable gua sha tool that comes in many materials like jade, rose quartz, and amethyst. The broad shape of this tool makes it easy to grip, allowing for firmer pressure while scraping. Use this tool on tougher flesh parts, like the thighs, glutes, or shoulders. Smaller versions of this tool can be used on the face for facial gua sha.

Roller: This tool was built to have a cooling and soothing effect on the skin, and is best used for reducing puffiness, applying serums or oils, and soothing the skin. To use this tool, start in the middle of the face and roll outwards across the cheeks. Then, move to the eyebrows and roll up across the forehead. Move down below the lower lip and down around the chin. Use the smaller end for harder to reach areas, and the larger end for broader areas. This can be done twice a day, in the morning and evening. This tool is great to use after using the gua sha tools to return your skin back to harmony.

Eye Tool: Pair this tool with an oil or serum to reduce puffiness and under eye bags and awaken and rejuvenate the eye area. The dome shape fits below the eye, and the rounded edge is great for hitting acupressure points. Use gentle pressure and movements. Move around the eyes, and then move down the neck to move lymphatic drainage. Make sure to move from the middle of the face out to draw any drainage away from the face.

Treatable Conditions and Benefits:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles (aging) - stimulates collagen and elastin production, tissue regeneration, promotes skin cell renewal/cell turnover

  • Dull complexion - brightens complexion by increasing blood flow and stimulating tissue regeneration

  • Puffiness - draining lymphatic fluid

  • Sagging - firms and tightens skin

  • Diminishes redness and rosacea

  • Headaches- relieves muscle tension

  • Sinus congestion by reducing inflammation

  • TMJ - reduces tension in the muscles of the face

  • Under eye dark circles and puffiness by moving lymphatic fluid

  • Acne - draining trapped lymph

Bonus: Putting the tools in the refrigerator for 30 mins before treatment can reduce even more puffiness and inflammation.

To learn more and to book a facial rejuvenation session, visit this link.


“Gua sha: What you need to know”. Retrieved from

“How to Use Gua Sha for Tension, Puffiness, and Lymphatic Drainage”. Retrieved from

“Introduction to Gua Sha Therapy”. Retrieved from

“Mount Lai”. Retrieved from

“Types of gua sha tools: What to consider when choosing a gua sha tool”. Retrieved from

“Wildling”. Retrieved from

Bedosky, Lauren. “What Is Gua Sha? A Guide to This Traditional Chinese Medicine Wellness Practice”. Retrieved from

Goluboff, Sally. “The Benefits of Jade Rolling”. Retrieved from

Sultana, Meghan. “The Beginner’s Guide to Gua Sha”. Retrieved from