Spring: Prevention and Self Care

By: Amanda Gawrysz, L.Ac, MSOM
In Chinese Medicine, emphasis is placed on living in tune with the seasons in order to experience wellbeing and prevent disease. Each season is related to an organ network or meridian which contains its own unique associations that can be seen both in the external natural world and also within our bodies. The energy of true spring occurs in the midst of what we still consider to be winter. It may feel as if the two seasons are pulling us in different directions. Winter is a time of yin energy where it is best to rest and nurture our bodies. During this transitional time, this deep yin energy from winter is trying to emerge to the more superficial layers of the body. There is an energy within us that is moving up and outward like a crocus flower emerging from the earth as snow still lays on the ground.

In Chinese Medicine, each season is associated with an element, organ, and its own energy (Qi). Spring is the quintessential time for creating, cleansing, movement, growth, and renewal.  Spring is associated with the wood element, the Liver and Gallbladder organs/meridians, and emotions. The energy of the Liver in Chinese Medicine is especially associated with emotions rooted in anger, resentment, and frustration. It is a time to focus on releasing emotions that no longer serve us well. The Liver helps move blood and Qi smoothly throughout and when unbalanced this movement begins to slow down or even becomes stagnant. Just as the energy of the crocus pushing its way through the ground, so does Liver Qi in your body. If this energy is unbalanced, our bodies also feel unbalanced as spring arrives.

These imbalances in the Liver network will manifest as physical and emotional symptoms. Symptoms may include headaches at the top of the head, depression, anger or irritability, dizziness, digestive disorders, eye issues, high blood pressure, and menstrual disorders. By shifting our awareness and taking simple steps we can help harmonize our Liver with expanding energy of spring and experience better wellbeing.

So what can you do to help support your Liver and make a smooth transition into spring?

  1. Exercise. This is important all year long, but especially important during this time of year. Whether it is taking a walk outdoors, starting a yoga or tai chi practice, or joining a gym, movement helps soothe the Liver energy. Your routine does not have to be intense. Walking in nature for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times per week can make a major beneficial shift.

  2. Diet. In Chinese medicine, green is the color associated with spring and green also charges up the energy for this season. Leafy greens like dandelion, chard, lettuces, watercress, asparagus, kale, and collards should be consumed. Rich, greasy foods should be avoided. Pungent foods like garlic, onions, basil, peppermint, rosemary, dill, and fennel also help with supporting the upward and outward energy of spring. Lemon and apple cider vinegar with their sour tastes helps move bile especially when taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Sour is also the taste associated with spring and Liver energy.

  3. Alcohol. All that heat-producing alcohol we consumed during the cold winter should now be consumed in moderation to preserve your Liver’s energy and give it a break.

  4. Emotions. It is the season to let go! Anger and resentment constrain the Liver energy. Try journaling, meditating, or writing intentions for releasing. It is a time for forgiveness more than ever. Staying calm and peaceful is important during this time.

  5. Sleep. In Chinese medicine, each organ is associated with a time of day where its energy is at its strongest. The gallbladder organ is the liver’s pair organ with its peak time of day being 11pm-1am. Liver energy is strongest from 1am-3am. It is crucial to be in bed no later than 11pm so that these organ networks can focus on eliminating toxins while the rest of the body is at rest.

  6. Attire. Spring is seen as a transitional season. In order to maintain optimal health, think of this time as keeping one foot in winter and one foot in summer. In Chinese medicine, the pathology of wind is associated with spring and Liver energy. It is important to remain covered with a scarf while outdoors as it starts to warm up. Areas of the body that are prone to wind attacks include the upper back, neck, and head. Once a wind attack occurs, symptoms may include common, cold, headache, nasal obstruction, itching, allergies, or rashes. Keep in mind that after an acupuncture session it is also important to cover up the head and neck; certain points as well as the pores in the body are more open and more susceptible towards this wind invasion.

  7. Nature. Walking barefoot to get grounded and reconnect with the season is one of the best and most simple ways to get back in touch with Mother Nature. Walk through nature and listen to the birds sing. Get your hands dirty and start an herb or vegetable garden.  

  8. Relax. While spring has a tendency to become a busier time, it is important to remember to schedule in downtime in order to let your energy gradually build as we move out of winter.

  9. Detox. Enjoy a sauna, steam, or bath with epsom salt and baking soda. Far-infrared saunas are great to utilize during this time. The infrared light penetrates deeper into the body. A traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you.

  10. Acupuncture. Getting regular treatments are a great way to help support your efforts to cleanse and detox. Acupuncture stimulates the meridians, smooths the flow of Qi, and clears out stuck energy. Acupuncture can also decrease mood swings, depression, and irritability that may be amped up at this time.

In addition to the foods listed above, the following are springtime foods for detoxification, balancing Liver/Gallbladder Qi, and supporting emotional healing:

  • Arugula, basil, bay leaves, beet, black sesame seeds, broccoli, cardamom, carrots, celery, chives, diakon, dill, grapefruit, green tea, legumes, lemon, lettuce, mint teas, oranges, radishes, sea vegetables, seeds, spring onions, watercress

Spring cleaning our bodies and preventative care truly starts from within. To summarize what was mentioned above:

  • Focus your attention on your Liver/Gallbladder organ/meridian with respect to diet, stress, and lifestyle tips mentioned above.

  • Keep warm and protect yourself from the wind. A light coat and scarf will do the trick in most climates.

  • Focus on the color green, sour tastes, and seasonal foods to help support Liver/Gallbladder health.

  • Allow mental awareness, mindfulness, and to be emotionally flexible.

  • Schedule an appointment with a local acupuncturist for a seasonal support session.






Coenzyme Q10: The Powerhouse Antioxidant

By: Amanda Gawrysz, L.Ac, MSOM

*This topic deserves an entire paper written on it! It is so overlooked in the medical community, yet so important to our vitality and well-being. I will try to keep this as concise as possible, but prepare your brains for some science. Whether you are suffering with health problems or not, this is a must read.*

Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a compound that helps generate energy in our cells. There are many different uses for CoQ10, but one of its major roles in the body is to help convert the food we eat into energy to power our bodies and brain. It is an antioxidant that is naturally found everywhere in the body, but particularly concentrated in the mitochondria of our cells. If you remember from high school biology, mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of cells; they are in charge of energy production. One of the most critical reactions CoQ10 assists in is the production of ATP in the mitochondria which is considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. CoQ10 is therefore vital for good health, high-energy levels, longevity, and general quality of life!

CoQ10’s antioxidant properties, along with the mitochondria, help protect cells from oxidative damage and disease-causing bacteria or viruses by eliminating free radicals. Free radicals are natural by-products of some cellular reactions. Excessive amounts can lead to oxidative damage which can interfere with regular cell functioning. Too many free radicals in the body are directly correlated with numerous chronic health conditions as well as the aging process. CoQ10 unfortunately decreases as we age. By our early 20s, levels already begin to deplete! Yikes! In addition, your body's levels of CoQ10 drop further if your body's utilization of CoQ10 is increased. Intense exercise, as well as the increase in metabolic rate which occurs with intense training, both increase your body's utilization of CoQ10.

According to Dr. Ilene Ruhoy, an integrative neurologist, “energy production and CoQ10 are intricately connected ” turning your food and oxygen into energy in the form of ATP.  Energy conversion in the body is one of those things we rarely think about, but it is crucial to our overall health. We can eat all the amazing, nutritious foods we want, but if our bodies cannot take those nutrients and convert them into usable energy—a process that takes place inside our cells and is the mitochondria’s main job—what good is all that healthy food we are eating.

According to PubMed, some causes of CoQ10 deficiency include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B6 deficiency

  • Genetic defects in CoQ10 synthesis or utilization

  • Increased demands by tissues as a consequence of disease

  • Mitochondrial diseases

  • Oxidative stress due to aging

  • Side effects of statin treatments--this is SO important. I will discuss this in more detail below.

The following is a list of the main benefits of CoQ10:

  • Treat heart failure by improving heart function.

    • “Studies have suggested that CoQ10 might be able to prevent a heart attack recurrence in people who have already suffered from a heart attack. One study, specifically, showed that patients were less likely to have another heart attack and chest pain if they took CoQ10 within three days of having a heart attack. There is also some research to support the idea that people with congestive heart failure might have low levels of CoQ10, and studies have also shown that supplementing might benefit people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.” Always consult your physician before making any changes.

  • May improve sperm and egg quality and reduce the decline in egg numbers.

    • Women’s eggs and men’s sperm decline with age and are also susceptible to oxidative stress. Antioxidant properties of CoQ10 may help improve sperm quality and reduce the decline in the number and quality of eggs in women. It is not entirely clear if getting more CoQ10 externally will improve changes for conception, but studies show promising results.

  • Helps in the prevention and treatment of headaches and migraines.

    • By reducing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial function, studies show that CoQ10 may not only treat, but may also prevent headaches and migraines. Although the science of this is preliminary, this may be a major game changer for chronic sufferers.

  • Helps improve exercise performance and recovery time.

    • Oxidative stress is known to affect muscle function and mitochondrial dysfunction can reduce muscle energy. A number of different Japanese studies have found that supplementing CoQ10 decreases muscle fatigue, increases muscle endurance, improves recovery time after exercise, and reduces markers of muscle damage.

  • Plays a role in cancer prevention.

    • CoQ10 plays a critical role in the protection of cell DNA and cell survival, both of which are strongly linked to cancer prevention and recurrence. “Low levels of CoQ10 have been associated with up to a 53.3% higher risk of cancer and indicate a poor prognosis for various types of cancer.”

  • May decrease cognitive deterioration.

    • The brain contains a high fatty acid content and is very susceptible to oxidative damage because of this. This in turn can lead to dysfunction of the mitochondria and death of brain cells. Alzheimer and Parkinson patients benefit from taking CoQ10.

  • May help increase insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar levels.

    • Links between abnormal mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance have been found. CoQ10 might help prevent diabetes by stimulating the breakdown of fats and reducing the accumulation of fat cells that could lead to obesity or type 2 diabetes. CoQ10 can help increase insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar levels.

  • Improves side effects from statin drugs.

    • “One in every four Americans over 45 is on a statin, and every single one of these individuals needs to be taking CoQ10 to replenish that which is depleted by the drug. One area of intense research is CoQ10’s effect on statin-induced myalgia (pain or weakness of the muscles). CoQ10 is a critical component of cellular respiration and production of ATP. When you consider that your heart is the most energy-demanding organ in your body, you can surmise how potentially devastating it can be to deplete your body's main source of cellular energy! So while one of statins' claims to fame is to ward off heart disease, you're actually increasing your risk when you deplete your body of CoQ10.”

No need to fear because there is a solution for everything! There are certain foods you can consume, however, this would have to be in very high amounts to receive the daily requirement necessary of CoQ10. This does not seem feasible to reach in our daily diet.  

  • Oily fish: Fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel

  • Organ meats: Liver and kidney meats

  • Vegetables: Veggies like spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower

  • Legumes: like peanuts and soybeans are the best non-animal sources of the substance

I, and so many others, believe that supplementation is our best option when it comes to CoQ10. Studies show no concern of over supplementing CoQ10, but always consult with your health care practitioner first.  Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take CoQ10. Some sources state that there is potential for interactions between certain prescription drugs like blood pressure medication, blood thinning medications, chemotherapy medications, and beta-blockers. Other sources say there are no interactions.

CoQ10 is fat-soluble and has a slow and limited absorption. It is best consumed with foods preferably those with higher healthy fat content. Additionally, our body does not store CoQ10 so continued use is recommended. It is well tolerated by humans and has low toxicity.

CoQ10 comes in two different forms — ubiquinol and ubiquinone. Ubiquinol accounts for 90% of the CoQ10 in the blood and is the most absorbable form. It is recommended to choose from supplements containing the ubiquinol form. Make sure to look for brands that do not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or artificial colors or sweeteners. Also look for vegan and non-GMO labeling.

Please always consult with your health care practitioner for proper dosing. Although studies show that high doses of up to 1200 mg per day have no major side effects, the standard daily dose ranges from 100 mg to 300 mg. It should be taken with meals and not all together. Ideally, you want to split the dose up to 2 to 3 times per day.    

  • Initial (just starting out)=200-300 mg/day for 2 to 3 weeks

  • Maintenance=100 mg/day

  • If you are on statins=MUST take at least 100-200 mg/day

  • Active or high stress lifestyle=200-300 mg/day

Other dosing guidelines, as presented by Dr. Stephen Sinatra (a board certified cardiologist, and a prominent expert in the field of natural cardiology) include:

  • Typical athlete=100-300 mg/day

  • World class athletes=300-600 mg/day

  • Hypertension or arrhythmia=200 mg/day

  • Heart transplant or severe CHF=300-600 mg/day

  • Mitral valve prolapse=100-200 mg in combination with 400 mg of magnesium per day

If you are interested in taking CoQ10, read through this article entirely, consulted with your medical provider about dosing and possible interactions, and found a supplement brand that you trust, feel free to get started. Make sure to log any symptoms or improvements in energy levels. Happy supplementing!











Acupuncture for Medication Withdrawal

By: Amanda Gawrysz, L.Ac, MSOM

Have you been told about the effects of eliminating your psychiatric medications? Detoxing from medication can be a very uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating experience. People are not often offered much for withdrawal support, which leaves individuals “white knuckling” through a rollercoaster of physical, emotional, and psychological distress. Not to mention, the psychological aspect that comes along with the decision to stop taking a medication that can be terrifying. Life may feel like an eternity as each moment passes during a medication taper experience. Utilizing acupuncture can help achieve a state of harmony during this process and promote a level of balance in your body that minimizes the intensity of these symptoms.

Acupuncture is an under utilized modality that can help ease the emotional, mental, and physical manifestations during this time. The body is in a state of disharmony and shock from the absence of certain chemicals that it was accustomed to receiving. It needs time to return back to its homeostasis. There is a real sense of urgency when in the transition period of a tapering plan and acupuncture can make this transition less intense.  

Acupuncture ultimately helps restore balance through the stimulation of specific points. By stimulating these points, we improve the movement of Qi (energy) and of blood to help relieve pain, increase circulation, stimulate the liver, and speed up lymphatic drainage to ease the negative effects of withdrawal. Your practitioner will target specific meridians and acupoints that are connected to your specific withdrawal symptoms and bodily imbalances.

Acupuncture during medication withdrawal can help with agitation and restlessness, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, nausea, vertigo and dizziness, headaches, depression, temperature fluctuations, and what patients describe as “brain zaps.” A rebound effect may also be experienced during tapering where the original symptoms return and are worse than they were before.

Many are unaware that endorphins are released from the brain during acupuncture. Endorphins are our natural pain killers which also have a calming and positive effect on our mood. The release of endorphins also help relieve those pesky body aches that may be experienced. Using acupuncture, you can take advantage of the body’s natural chemicals to calm your brain and provide relief that will promote staying sober.

Withdrawal can cause uncomfortable body temperature changes, especially from alcohol and opiates. Alcohol usually causes an increase in temperature while opiates may cause fluctuations between sweating and feeling cold. A study has demonstrated that in combination with electrical stimulation acupuncture reduced this unpleasant withdrawal side effect.

Acupuncture has been known for centuries to help relieve nausea and vomiting from pregnancy, chemotherapy, and postoperative cases. Medication withdrawal is no different. Acupuncture speeds up the elimination process and improves detoxification pathways to allow the chemicals from medications to be expelled out of the body more efficiently.

In the case of experiencing depressive symptoms from alcohol, opiates, or even antidepressant withdrawal is common. In Chinese Medicine, depression causes a stagnation or seizing up of liver energy. These drugs falsely stimulate the energy from the liver causing it to flow more freely throughout the body. Once these drugs are stopped, that liver energy once again becomes constrained based on the Chinese Liver System. Additionally, your Liver energy can move erratically when these medications are stopped causing something called “internal wind” in Chinese Medicine. Internal wind is a sense of movement where there should be stillness. This internal movement is similar to akathisia and is also considered to be a rebound reaction. This effect manifests symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, restlessness, tremors, and the brain zaps.  

The current common approach to medication elimination sets us up for failure. The process of medication tapering can feel overwhelming, discouraging, and impact our mental and physical body’s to a point where we decide it is not worth the effort. Acupuncture is built upon a foundation of ancient knowledge that can promote balance in your body and provide you with the stability that you need to take your withdrawal head-on and minimize the impact of resulting physical symptoms. Psychiatric medications can have an enormously positive impact on an individual’s life.  When a person is ready to move on without those medications, it is crucial that there is support provided to create a confident and successful transition toward independence.