Creating a Meditation Routine

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” — Buddha

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and meditation can help shift your focus from physical to mental. A lot of people think they wouldn’t be ‘good’ enough or that their mind is too busy to meditate, but this is exactly why we meditate. It’s similar to if someone were to say they ‘aren’t flexible enough for yoga’. One of the reasons we practice yoga asana is to become physically flexible. There is never a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ meditation session, “there is only awareness and non-awareness or distraction and non-distraction” (Headspace).

Meditation can be intimidating at first, and there are many stereotypes and myths that come with the practice. Like, meditators sitting perfectly cross-legged with a stick-straight back and incense burning in the background…all while experiencing an “empty” mind immediately. The truth is, meditation is a life-time journey with insight gained over time and there isn’t a one-size fits all option. As a beginner, it is normal to feel sleepy, bored, fearful, anxious, frustrated, or resistant. Because the mind is used to being busy, meditation is a skill developed over years of practice that takes perseverance, discipline, and time.

Although there are undeniable benefits to starting your day off with meditation, it can be done at any time of day — it just depends on what works for the individual. Mornings are usually more quiet and your mind hasn’t been saturated with your list of to-dos or anything that is going on in the world. Allowing yourself this space in the morning ensures that other activities and tasks throughout your day will not interfere with your meditation practice.

So, how can you start your meditation practice?

  1. Start small and find the time — meditate for short periods of time and take it day-by-day. It is more important to sit down for a shorter period of time a few times a week vs. jumping straight into an hour-long practice daily. Start with 3-5 minutes and begin adding more time as you get more comfortable.

  2. Link your meditation practice with an automatic activity — wake up, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, wash your face, then meditate. Use the time you would be scrolling on your phone in bed to set your day up for a clearer, calmer, and more compassionate mind.

  3. Guided meditation — guided meditations are helpful for establishing confidence through the use of visualizations, body scans, mantras, and breathing, mindfulness-based, or relaxation techniques.

  4. Create a sacred space — in theory, one should be able to meditate in any environment. When you first begin your practice, having a separate space that is inviting and peaceful can help establish a relationship with your practice.

  5. Find a position that works for you — some meditators practice on a bolster or pillow, some use blankets, some sit on a chair with their back supported. Avoid laying down or meditating in bed as this can cause drowsiness.

  6. Same time, same place — if possible, create consistency in your practice by meditating at the same time and in the same location each time.

  7. Distractions are normal — it’s common to think that absolute silence is required for a ‘successful’ meditation practice. Settle into your surroundings and observe your senses by allowing the distractions to come and go, without judgement or resistance.

  8. Practice mindfulness post meditation — carry the skills acquired and learned in your sessions into your day-to-day life. How can you be more mindful when driving, brushing your teeth, or taking a shower?

Meditation takes practice and it can only be mastered by, first, building a habit.

“When we experience moments of peace on a more regular basis, we start to feel a shift in our life and mind".” — Andy Puddicombe


“8 Steps to Establish a Daily Meditation Practice.” Retrieved from

“Meditation for Beginners.” Retrieved from

“Morning Meditation.” Retrieved from

Preparing for the Summer Celebrations

The Fourth of July is a holiday that often entails loud, food-focused social gatherings. Many elements of these celebrations can be stressful to endure. By highlighting some of the “triggers” you may confront in the next few days, we hope to provide a few coping strategies that will help you take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health throughout the holiday. 

Family Gatherings

Being with family and friends can produce a range of emotions and experiences for people, from feeling rejuvenating to challenging. If you fall into the latter category, here are a few ideas for preparing for family festivities:

  1. “Be like a Duck.” When someone interacts with you in a hurtful way, try to picture yourself as a duck, and their words as water rolling off your back. Try to remind yourself “this isn’t really about me.” 

  2. Gravitate toward family members or friends who make you feel more comfortable. As needed, limit interactions with difficult people and focus your energy on conversations that will feel more life-giving. 

  3. Check in with yourself and listen to your needs. If you need to take some space to breathe and re-center, or even leave the gathering early, give yourself permission to follow your inner wisdom.  Agree to a “check-in” time with your partner or set an alarm on your phone so you decide how long you would like to stay. Maybe it feels better to expect a two hour commitment ahead of time rather than an unknown time frame. Checking in while at the party can help relieve anxiety because you know there will be an opportunity to decide whether or not to stay longer- rather than just staying for an unknown amount of time.

  4. Think about people who make you uncomfortable and why. Excuse yourself to use the restroom if topics of conversation or feedback feels negative. Use that time to re-ground with positive affirmations and slow breathing. Resist the urge to fuel negative thoughts about yourself or others.

Picnics and Barbecues

Eating during social gatherings can be tricky and challenging if you have dietary restrictions or personal preferences that require intentional eating. When partaking in traditional Fourth of July meals isn’t in your best interest, try to plan ahead with a few of these ideas:

  1.  Don’t go to the event hungry! Eat a meal beforehand, or bring your meal to eat alongside the rest of your group. You will be less likely to succumb to the foods at the gathering (that may not nourish you in the way you need).

  2. Bring a dish to share that aligns with your needs and preferences--maybe you will inspire others by your food and beverage choices. 

  3. When you’re in a social situation where people are asking about your food habits, give a concise response and trust that you’re taking good care of your body. Remember that you do not need to convince anyone of your dietary choices and what you choose has nothing to do with what they choose for themselves.

  4. Trying to stay sober? Bring your own non-alcoholic beverage that feels celebratory. Maybe you find a recipe for a non-alcoholic mixed drink. Drinking can feel like an assumed behavior, but should never be expected. Plan ahead for this and stay true to yourself.

Firework Displays

People who experience PTSD are highly susceptible to the loud, triggering noise of fireworks and bright flashing lights. In a similar vein, some individuals and pets are more sensitive to things like large crowds, fireworks, and overstimulation. With this is mind:

  1. Remind yourself that having startle or upset reactions are normal, and try not to judge yourself harshly.  If the sound is too intense, bring along ear plugs (Even in large crowds this can help).

  2. Practice grounding techniques like slow, deep breathing, mindfully observing the situation with your five senses, or noting the details of your present environment as a reminder that you are safe. 

  3. Consider taking a drive outside the city, where you may even be able to watch the fireworks at a distance, or experience the beauty of nature. 

  4. Reach out for help if your PTSD symptoms worsen/interfere with daily life. 

Hopefully these tips prepare you for an enjoyable Fourth of July experience. Remember that these tips can help with birthday parties, baby/bridal showers, weddings, etc. If you are feeling anxious or apprehensive about upcoming social events, take the time to investigate why you are stressed. Once you think about the boundaries or strategies you can use at the party, you can relax and trust that you are going to have a good time!


Burn, S. M. (2018). Holiday Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Family Members. Retrieved from

Healthy You. (2018). How to manage PTSD on the 4th of July. Retrieved from

The Link between Inflammation and Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders, and can significantly affect one’s ability to carry out daily tasks and find enjoyment in life. One in ten adults in the United States face depression in a given year. There are many options for treating depression, including psychotherapy, antidepressant medications, and acupuncture, but few people are aware of another treatment entry-point: addressing inflammation.

Research shows that inflammation can worsen depressive symptoms or even lead to depression in some individuals. When our bodies are confronted with viruses, toxins, and bacteria, our immune system responds by sending cells, tissues, and proteins into attack mode. The result of this attack on the foreign entity in the body is inflammation. You might be familiar with inflammation of an injured body part, for example, that becomes hot, red, and swollen. In other cases, though, your whole body system becomes inflamed, which results in changes to your physical, behavioral, and cognitive health. 

A great defense against depression and way to increase overall health is to reduce inflammation.

Here are a few ways to do this:

1. Reduce your stress levels by practicing deep breathing, getting good sleep, and listening to your needs.

2. Be intentional about food choices: increase anti-inflammatory foods like berries, leafy greens, olive oil, almonds, and fish. Try to avoid things like soda, alcohol, refined sugars, empty carbs (pasta, breads, etc) and fried foods. 

3. Get moving: physical activity like talking a brisk walk, stretching while watching tv, playing with your kids outside, and doing yoga can help fight inflammation. 

4. Talk with your healthcare provider about incorporating supplements like omega 3 and probiotics, which have been shown to normalize stress-induced inflammation. 

If you face an immune disorder, be aware that depressive symptoms may co-occur. Similarly, if you struggle with depression, be careful to avoid things that could trigger your immune response. The more you know about how your body reacts to stress and inflammation, the more you can take good care of yourself. 


Azab, M. (2018). The Brain on Fire: Depression and Inflammation. Retrieved from

Hope for Depression. Depression Facts. Retrieved from

National Institute of Mental Health. Major Depression. Retrieved from

Rodriguez, T. (2018). Probiotics, Depression, and the Role of Inflammation. Retrieved from
Wei, M. (2017). New Research Shows Depression Linked with Inflammation. Retrieved from