Herbs for Healing

In coming to your appointments at MKE MindBody Wellness, you may have spotted our herb garden growing on the side of the building. We are excited about our chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm, which each have medicinal properties and will eventually be incorporated into our healing services at the clinic. 

Many of us struggle with inflammation, auto-immune disorders, stress, and gut issues, but did you know that herbs (either fresh from the garden, ground into spices, or consumed as a tea) have healing benefits that can support your digestion and overall health?

Here are some of the most beneficial herbs you should consider incorporating into your life and diet:

  • Lemon Balm: relaxing, antispasmodic effect on nervous system and stomach; may help fight off viruses like herpes simplex

  • Chamomile: great at treating colic, infections, stress & nervousness, and stomach disorders; wonderful sleep aid

  • Lavender: the essential oils help calm nerves and upset stomach

  • Ginger: very warming; helps with motion sickness, cramping, and upset stomach; anti-microbial

  • Turmeric: relieves bloating; great for the liver; anti-inflammatory

  • Cilantro: aids digestion; helps remove toxins from body

  • Fennel: eases gas and bloating; stimulates milk production

  • Peppermint: cooling and great at reducing digestive discomfort; helpful with coughs and colds

  • Dill: can be used as a sedative; promotes restful sleep

  • Rosemary: helps clear the liver and head; sharpens memory and concentration

Don’t hesitate to ask us for more information or discuss tailored options for you during your next visit. 


Cummings, G. (2017). 10 common digestive herbs and how they benefit your health. Retrieved from https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/foodanddrink/10-common-digestive-herbs-and-how-they-benefit-your-health-a3624266.html.

Herbs and the Digestive System. Retrieved from 


Wilson, D. (2017). Homegrown Herbal Remedies. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/herbal-remedies-from-your-garden.