Choosing a Massage for Better Peace of Mind

Mental wellness refers to a state of emotional and psychological balance where individuals feel a sense of contentment in their lives. They have developed a resilience to the stresses of life and can take whatever comes their way. This is a state that takes effort to achieve, and there are many tools out there to explore. There is a common misconception that massage therapy is a “treat yourself” type of service, reserved for special moments of relaxation or bouts of pain. Contrary to this popular belief, regular massage offers so many more benefits than just relaxation and physical relief. Stress, anxiety, depression, and many other feelings and conditions that affect our mental health greatly benefit from regular massage.

Mental Benefits of Massage

Stress is a regular part of life, and managing that stress can be difficult. Not only is the actual massage beneficial, but the usual environment provided during the service is often intended to heighten relaxation and peace. These spaces are safe, quiet, clean, and pleasant. Aromatherapy can be used to further relax, and calming, often meditative music will play. The lights will be dim, there may be a heating pad on the table to keep you warm, and your privacy will be respected. All of these touches are designed to allow the body to fully relax into the massage and relinquish any feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression that are lingering. This will allow the healing benefits to take effect. 

MindBody Benefits of Regular Massage

Reduces cortisol and adrenaline

Releases serotonin and dopamine

Fulfills the body’s need for physical contact and comforting touch

Reduces pain and tension

Improves insomnia, which improves cognitive function

Improves mood

Boosts energy

Enhances feelings of happiness and pleasure

Improves blood circulation

Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain

Eliminates toxins and wastes, allowing brain and organs to function at peak performance

Types of Massage and their Benefits

Swedish: Involving long, gliding strokes,kneading, and rhythmic tapping, this type of massage relaxes the muscles and releases tension. Swedish massage promotes overall relaxation, stress reduction, and improved circulation.

Deep Tissue: This type of massage targets deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues to release chronic pain and muscle tension. Deep inner work releases physical and emotional blockages, provides relief from chronic stress, and promotes feeling of mental well-being. 

Orthopedic: As a targeted approach to pain and injury recovery, orthopedic massage treats your body’s soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and helps individuals recover from pain and musculoskeletal issues. Pain relief can bring about feelings of better mental wellness through reduced stress and discomfort, better blood circulation, and reduced muscle tension.Orthopedic massage is a great option if you are recovering from an injury and want a gentle way to promote healing and relaxation.

Aromatherapy: The addition of essential oils to your massage will enhance the massage with the benefits of each type of oil. Lavender is known to be calming and relaxing, making it perfect for reducing anxiety and promoting restful sleep. Peppermint and citrus oils are invigorating and uplift the mood. Adding essential oils to your massage offers a sensory experience that stimulates the mind and body.

Hot Stone: In a hot stone massage, hot stones are placed on certain pain points of the body to warm and loosen tight muscles, as well as balance the energy centers of the body. The stones can also be used to apply gentle pressure along sore muscles, releasing tension and stress. The warmth of the stones is comforting and relaxing.

Craniosacral: Craniosacral massage focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the nervous system and all membranes and fluids surrounding the brain. Using light, rhythmic touches, the therapist assesses areas of trauma or inflammation and will stimulate them to release. This type of massage is especially helpful for insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and stress. By improving the flow of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the body’s tissues, inflammation is reduced and relaxation is achieved. Tension is also released through the gentle manipulation of the fascia, or connective tissue.

While getting a massage for occasional tension or stress can help, those struggling with mental wellness may find regular massage therapy to be a great addition to their treatment plan to help them manage their symptoms. There are so many different types of massage that can provide different areas of relief, and finding the right one that caters to your individual needs could be just the thing to bring you peace of mind and body.
