Creating a Meditation Routine

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” — Buddha

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and meditation can help shift your focus from physical to mental. A lot of people think they wouldn’t be ‘good’ enough or that their mind is too busy to meditate, but this is exactly why we meditate. It’s similar to if someone were to say they ‘aren’t flexible enough for yoga’. One of the reasons we practice yoga asana is to become physically flexible. There is never a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ meditation session, “there is only awareness and non-awareness or distraction and non-distraction” (Headspace).

Meditation can be intimidating at first, and there are many stereotypes and myths that come with the practice. Like, meditators sitting perfectly cross-legged with a stick-straight back and incense burning in the background…all while experiencing an “empty” mind immediately. The truth is, meditation is a life-time journey with insight gained over time and there isn’t a one-size fits all option. As a beginner, it is normal to feel sleepy, bored, fearful, anxious, frustrated, or resistant. Because the mind is used to being busy, meditation is a skill developed over years of practice that takes perseverance, discipline, and time.

Although there are undeniable benefits to starting your day off with meditation, it can be done at any time of day — it just depends on what works for the individual. Mornings are usually more quiet and your mind hasn’t been saturated with your list of to-dos or anything that is going on in the world. Allowing yourself this space in the morning ensures that other activities and tasks throughout your day will not interfere with your meditation practice.

So, how can you start your meditation practice?

  1. Start small and find the time — meditate for short periods of time and take it day-by-day. It is more important to sit down for a shorter period of time a few times a week vs. jumping straight into an hour-long practice daily. Start with 3-5 minutes and begin adding more time as you get more comfortable.

  2. Link your meditation practice with an automatic activity — wake up, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, wash your face, then meditate. Use the time you would be scrolling on your phone in bed to set your day up for a clearer, calmer, and more compassionate mind.

  3. Guided meditation — guided meditations are helpful for establishing confidence through the use of visualizations, body scans, mantras, and breathing, mindfulness-based, or relaxation techniques.

  4. Create a sacred space — in theory, one should be able to meditate in any environment. When you first begin your practice, having a separate space that is inviting and peaceful can help establish a relationship with your practice.

  5. Find a position that works for you — some meditators practice on a bolster or pillow, some use blankets, some sit on a chair with their back supported. Avoid laying down or meditating in bed as this can cause drowsiness.

  6. Same time, same place — if possible, create consistency in your practice by meditating at the same time and in the same location each time.

  7. Distractions are normal — it’s common to think that absolute silence is required for a ‘successful’ meditation practice. Settle into your surroundings and observe your senses by allowing the distractions to come and go, without judgement or resistance.

  8. Practice mindfulness post meditation — carry the skills acquired and learned in your sessions into your day-to-day life. How can you be more mindful when driving, brushing your teeth, or taking a shower?

Meditation takes practice and it can only be mastered by, first, building a habit.

“When we experience moments of peace on a more regular basis, we start to feel a shift in our life and mind".” — Andy Puddicombe


“8 Steps to Establish a Daily Meditation Practice.” Retrieved from

“Meditation for Beginners.” Retrieved from

“Morning Meditation.” Retrieved from