Starting a New Habit

When you hear the word new, which emotions come up? Excitement, anxiety, hesitation, or even fear? New jobs, new experiences, and new opportunities force us into uncharted territory, which can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Many of us get comfortable in our routines, and the thought of switching things up or doing something we have no experience with brings up lots of worries and feelings of uncertainty. While there is nothing wrong with sticking to what we know and our usual routines, we might be missing out on growth opportunities if we don’t step into the unknown and push ourselves to try new things.

What is something you’ve always wanted to add to your life? Maybe it’s playing an instrument, biking to work, taking evening walks, practicing a sport, pursuing a hobby, etc. Starting new habits is definitely daunting, but what if your goal was simply to do the new task for 30 days? As Matt Cutts explains in his TedTalk, 30 days is just about the amount of time needed to add or subtract a habit. 

By challenging yourself to intentionally doing something for 30 days straight, you will probably notice two key changes. First, you will likely become more aware of the present moment as you bring your attention daily to this new task. Also, you will start to experience a sense of mastery. The more we do things that are challenging and new, the more we gain confidence and feel capable of accomplishing things we never thought we could. By starting a new habit and sticking with it, we feel empowered and proud of our accomplishment. 

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut and looking for a way to get energized, make a list of habits you’d like to add to your life. Pick one to start with, and challenge yourself to working on this habit a little bit each day, for 30 days. Let us know how it goes!

Making Time for Pleasant Activities

When life gets stressful, we can feel quite overwhelmed by the difficult situations we face. Maybe you’re weighed down by work demands that require constant attention. Maybe you’ve got a lot on your plate and are trying to juggle the needs of others and yourself without completely burning out. Or possibly you’re dealing with interpersonal conflict that weighs heavy on your heart and mind--say a difference of opinion or an argument that’s unsettling. 

When things don’t go your way, or you’re feeling stressed out, how do you tend to respond? It’s quite typical to become anxious, worried, and overwhelmed. Sometimes we think we can just “work a little harder” to resolve the stressors. We might jump into problem solving mode and add more expectations to ourselves, thinking this will help. In other situations, we may have urges to throw up our hands and give up, since the problem seems too big. Giving up can then lead us to feel disappointed in ourselves and prompt further sadness. Another option, which you may already be practicing, is making time for pleasant activities. Often, one of the best things we can do when dealing with a stressor is to take some time and space away from the situation. By engaging in something pleasant, we create distance from the stressor, tend to our self-care and mental health, and can usually return to the issue with a new perspective. 

Instead of viewing pleasant activities and events as things we can enjoy after we’ve tackled our work or responsibilities, think of them as vital pieces of our lives that deserve to be prioritized. Consider scheduling fun activities throughout the week, carving out longer windows of time on the weekends or as possible. Making sure pleasant events are part of your weekly routine will help reduce stress, boost mood, and help you feel more balanced and present. 

Ideas of Pleasant Activities

  • Go to the lake or a river

  • Pick up a pencil and paper and draw

  • Go for a bike ride

  • Stroll around your neighborhood

  • Try out a new recipe

  • Give a gift card or handwritten note to a friend

  • Do a puzzle

  • Take a walk in a park or on a trail

  • Spend time gardening or tending to an indoor plant

  • Play board games

  • Color a coloring page

  • Exercise and move your body

  • Find a new hobby

  • Book an appointment for acupuncture, massage, or reiki

  • Have a picnic

  • Do a house project or rearrange furniture

  • Reach out to an old friend

  • Stargaze at night


“Pleasant Activities to Do.” Retrieved from

The Benefits of Reading

As humans we are constantly reading. Whether it be the daily news, social media posts, text messages or emails, the list goes on. We read so much, we often forget it is something that can be extremely beneficial when done with intention. Just like our physical beings, our brains need exercise, and reading is one of the greatest ways to keep our minds healthy. Putting effort towards reading something substantial every single day (long or short!) has really great benefits. 

Mental Stimulation

Reading stimulates the brain and has been shown to slow the progress of potential diseases such as Alzheimer's and Dementia. It is necessary to keep your brain active and engaged to maintain its power. Keeping the brain stimulated is a form of exercising the mind which is crucial for keeping it healthy and sharp.

Stress Reduction

A reduction in stress comes as a result of setting aside time for yourself. Reading is a great addition to our routines as it gives us a moment to spend time with ourselves and enjoy the present moment. Reading allows you to relax as tension releases, whether you're curled up with a good book or an informative article.

Increase in Knowledge

We are constantly filling our minds with information, and the more knowledge we acquire, the better equipped we may be to face life's challenges. Learning is also simply fun, especially when we choose to engage in a topic that we are passionate about.

Increase in Empathy

Reading about the lives of others may take you out of your own reality for a moment and place you into someone else's shoes. Reading is a necessary tool for understanding the lives of those that differ from your own. Reading has the power to change your outlook on certain things as well, handing you the opportunity for new perspectives. 

Vocabulary Expansion

The more you read, the larger your vocabulary can grow. Simply exposing yourself to more words and ways of thinking can expand your vocabulary and assist in your ability to express your thoughts. 

Improved Memory

When we read, there are many aspects we have to retain through the storyline to properly understand what is happening on the pages in front of us. Our brains take these new memories and forge new pathways while strengthening existing ones. This assists in stabilizing moods as well as improving short term memory recall.

Improved Focus and Concentration

Reading requires focus, and while our brains may be pulled in many different directions throughout the day, it is important to set aside time to read something of substance. Our brains require concentration and focus in order to retain what we are reading, and the more we read, the more improvement we see in our ability to focus. It is shown that even just 15-20 minutes of reading a day can result in being more productive due to an increase in focus.

Improved Sleep

Picking up a book to read before falling asleep instead of spending time on your phone can lead to a more restful night's sleep. Reading something of substance is relaxing and sleep-inducing, allowing you to de-stress and release tension which results in better sleep quality. 

All of these benefits are wonderful and inspiring, but you may be thinking “what now?” We have provided a few book recommendations along with some great blogs to assist you in your reading journey. Choose something you're passionate about or something that sparks interest-- dive in, and experience all that reading has to offer. 

Book Recommendations:

—Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment

Book by Tal Ben-Shahar

—The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Book by Brené Brown

—Make Your Bed

Book by Admiral William H. McRaven

This inspiring book shows how little things can have a big impact.

Blog Recommendations:

—Pick the Brain: Grow Yourself

This blog specifically focuses on self motivation and self improvement.


This blog is great for assisting you in not only decluttering your space, but your mind as well. 

—Zen Habits

A zen-themed self improvement blog that also assists in motivation while understanding the world around us. 


10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day. Retrieved from

15 Incredible Benefits from Reading Every Day. Retrieved from