Releasing Emotions into Movement

In spring, you may feel agitated, frustrated, irritated, angry, fearful, stressed, or sad as unresolved emotions and feelings from the last year linger and we carry them with us. Stuck emotions are waking up and sprouting from within.

Experiencing these intense and heavy emotions is normal, being peaceful and calm all the time is not the reality most live in. Avoiding or ignoring these intense emotions will bury them deeper and cause more suppression. Physical movement can help inspire you to ease into discomfort and will allow you to process your emotions.

Dedicate a specific amount of time to release stagnant emotions in a constructive, non-harmful, and safe way. Find a way of intense physical movement that will make you feel something and allows you to let your suppressed rage and anger out.

Youtube is a great place to find guided breathing, meditation, and yoga. You can even search for “Yoga for when you feel angry” to get the most specific flow for your feelings!

Find a private space where you can move your body between 5 - 30 minutes. Create an intense playlist that matches how you are feeling internally and choose songs that trigger these intense emotions. Let your body go wild with physical movement.

Dance, shake, twist, jump, swing your arms, bounce, scream, punch a pillow or your bed.

Try connecting your breath with your movement and slow things down or speed things up depending on your music. You can think of it like a conscious tantrum.

Notice how you begin to let go of the weight you’ve been carrying internally and underground as it releases into external movement.

Simple Mindfulness Practices

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of introducing a mindfulness practice into your life. It has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, increase self-compassion and acceptance, improve mood and cognitive functioning, and help tune out distractions. Many people picture mindfulness as a meditation practice that requires us to sit down with our legs crossed and focus on our breath for a long period of time. In reality, mindfulness can take shape in a myriad of ways, and you can try different practices until you find one that works for you. 

We suggest the following mindfulness practices you can easily implement and enjoy in a variety of settings:

  1. Mindfully eat a raisin or piece of chocolate. Sit down and hold the raisin or chocolate in your hand. Study the texture, feel the weight in your hand, give it a smell. Put the raisin or chocolate in your mouth and let it sit on your tongue. Feel the texture of the item against your tongue or roof of mouth. Start to taste the flavor. Are any memories or images coming to mind? Slowly chew on the raisin or chocolate, being mindful of each sensation. After chewing and swallowing, pause and take a moment to notice where your mind is at and how you’re feeling. 

  2. Think of five things you are grateful for. Pause for a few minutes and either write or mentally consider five things you are grateful for. Allow any images, thoughts, or emotions to rise up and just notice them. Sometimes by slowing down and reflecting on what matters to us, we can become reconnected to the present moment. 

  3. Use your five senses. Locate 5 things you can see, 4 sounds you hear, 3 smells that cross your nose, 2 things you can touch, and 1 thing you can taste. Bring your awareness to any judgment thoughts that arise, and label them as “thoughts.”

  4. Dance! Put on a favorite song and let yourself fully enjoy the sensations of dancing. Go “all in” and embrace the feeling of moving your body without fear of being judged. Sing along if you know the lyrics, and notice how it feels to engage in this one activity at this one moment in time. 


Cho, J. (2016). 6 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation. Retrieved from