Summer Farmers Markets

In our opinion, there’s nothing that says summer quite like getting local produce and goodies from a farmers market. Picking out a bunch of green kale or unique patty pan squash, sampling squeaky cheese curds, buying fresh maple syrup, talking with a local farmer, and socializing with neighbors are a few of the experiences you can look forward to at a market. The beauty of farmers markets is that they benefit all of us--the farmers, our communities, and our bodies. 

Why farmers markets are awesome:

  • They contribute to building local food economies. Farmers are able to experience rapid sales of their produce, on a weekly or consistent schedule, with low costs since the produce goes directly from the farm to the individual purchaser. 

  • Eating seasonally happens naturally, because farmers bring produce that is at peak freshness and ready to be consumed. 

  • Many of the farmers who participate in the markets use organic growing methods. The result is healthier food for our bodies that doesn’t rely on the use of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, genetic modification, and other toxic processes.

  • Did you know that food typically travels 1,500 miles to get to you? By shopping at farmers markets, you help reduce the amount of natural resources needed to bring food to you and help reduce or eliminate the need for plastic packaging. 

  • The market becomes a place where individuals can become engaged in food policy issues through conversations with local farmers. While at the market, you may become aware of upcoming campaigns, initiatives, or volunteer opportunities to support farmers and community health in general.

  • Farmers markets provide access to healthy, local food, which is extremely important in areas where quality food is not available. In low-income neighborhoods, having a farmers market can increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and can be a place for conversations about balanced, healthy, affordable eating. 

  • Use the farmers market as a perfect reason to get outside! Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and socialize with other community members. 

OnMilwaukee has created an up-to-date guide on the farmers markets throughout Milwaukee and other surrounding areas. Take a look at their list to learn specific details about each market! Many of them run into the Fall, so try to stop by when you have some time.


CUESA. 10 Reasons to Support Farmers Markets. Retrieved from

Farmers Market Coalition. Farmers Markets Support Healthy Communities. Retrieved from

Matthews, D. (2016). Farmers’ Markets play a vital role in America’s changing economy. Retrieved from

Saul, R. (2011). The cultural significance of Farmers Markets. Retrieved from